Monday, July 20, 2009

Care Bear Cake Pops

Today, I woke up to extra cake pops sitting on the counter and my uncontrollable mind started devising a way to create other cake pops that no one has tried before. Thus, the care bear cake pops. I had to make sure all the pieces were dry before decorating the eyes and all but they came out so cute.

Care bears were a part of my childhood and if I had a chance to turn 7 again, I would definitely have these at my party.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hello Kitty Cake Pops

Hello Kitty Cake Pops - Bakerella
After googling for some ideas, I came across Bakerella's Hello Kitty Cake Pops. They were so cute, I just had to make them. The cake itself was chocolate, the ribbons and nose were fondant and the eyes and whiskers were drawn with an edible ink pen. Drawing on chocolate wasn't easy, I realized, because of the chocolate's oil base. Either that or the quality of my edible ink pen. So next time, I'll probably try the eyes and whiskers with black fondant and change the chocolate cake to a white/yellow cake. Overall, I thought they were just totally adorable.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Gift Wrapped

I made a 'gift wrapped' cake yesterday and it was the highlight of my day. I started out with a yellow fondant and spent the better half of the day trying to figure out a good combination color for the extra accents. I looked literally everywhere for it, wedding theme sites, gift wrapping sites, color pallet sites, to absolutely no avail.

Finally I had to start with the cake without an accent color in mind and as I kept at the ribbons and curlers, I realized there were some extra purple fondant I had. So I tried to match the colors, creating what I thought was a perfect color combination for yellow.

In my humble opinion, yellow is a very strong color and rarely matches well with other colors except colors with a lighter and yellow tone (eg. cream, beige, light brown, rust and ultimately white). So you guys who are trying to have a yellow themed wedding - your work's really cut out for you :)